Northchapel Shoot – August 2022
The end of a hot week and it's still going!
The end of a hot week and it's still going!
A late but quick reminder that we're shooting tomorrow (31st).
Fantastic weather ahead for this weekend and the first of our two shoots this month.
June and the start of Summer! With fine weather on the horizon for this weekend we're delighted to be holding this month's shoot tomorrow, Sunday (12th)
May is flying by and tomorrow (8th) is the first of our two shoots this month. The second is on the fifth Sunday (29th).
We're steaming into April ! The long Easter weekend is less than two weeks away. In the run up our monthly shoot will be held this Sunday (10th).
On Sunday (13th) we're holding our March shoot.
This Sunday (13th) we're holding our February shoot.
This Sunday (30th) we'll be out shooting again.
Happy New Year to you all.