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Northchapel Shoot – June 2017 – Summary

Exploding ClayWell that worked out well !

Our Spring clean certainly picked up the mood with a tidy-up and a weed strim of the rest area. Thanks to our Paul for the use of his favourite gardening toy.

It’s looking good and once we can get hold of some better quality pub bench tables it will be taking bigger strides.

The shooting stands have also received some new matting. With extra strips that will be on show during the winter months to give shooters a larger, firm and safe base to shoot in and around the cages. Supplied by Dave O’Malley to whom we extend our thanks for his generosity.

When running a clay shoot there are usually some niggles. Big or small we eventually iron them out and move onto the next. We lost one trap today (‘Down the Ride’) due to a the breakage of small spring. A supplier incorrectly sent some new parts causing another trap (Stand 7) to crunch a few clays. We’d hoped it would run smoothly one last time before putting on a new friction strip. These issues will be cured for next month when we will be holding two shoots.

With a few of our stands we have ‘dual-fire boxes’ that release two traps at the push of a button.

PLEASE NOTE: For both traps to cycle smoothy when throwing their clays, the button needs to be held down for one second. Many shooters merely touch the button which is not enough for a clean release resulting in one or more traps throwing a broken clay.

But hey! Enough of that. What a fine day and with such a good turnout it was once again a pleasure putting on another clay shoot for you all.