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Northchapel Shoot – December 2017 – Summary

Exploding ClayDefinition of masochism in English:

NOUN (in general use) the enjoyment of an activity that appears to be painful or tedious.
‘there’s plenty to do when the weather turns moorland walks into exercises in masochism’
Well it was a bit quieter than usual this morning as of course the weather was extreme to say the least.
Whilst we did not receive any snow, the heavy, cold rain assisted by very powerful gusts of wind saw only the die hard shooters turn out.
The targets varied considerable but were great fun with even Jim having a shoot.
Jason enjoyed his trapping whilst Jane was relieved to have a nice warm office now that we’ve got the heating back on.
By midday everybody had had enough and the wind was starting to become a bit dangerous.
Kevin gave the grill a last blast to cook some welcome burgers for a late party. Jim’s brother has done a magnificent job of producing some superb Mince Pies and more of these can be enjoyed with a tipple on our Boxing Day Shoot.
We wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and hope to see you over the Festive Season for more fun!