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Northchapel – Pool Shoot Results – March 2015

Champagne BottleA very busy day but a large and boisterous attendance. Always nice to see new faces.

Kevin of ‘The Bacon Butty’ sold out but nobody was left wanting.

We’re sorry that the queues were a bit longer than we had wished for. A planned ninth stand had to be dropped as one of our traps threw a gearbox during setup and one of two new acquisitions still requires a bit of electrical work before it can enter service. A Laporte trap that has been out of operation for the last two months is still awaiting a spindle from the manufacturer. We will have these back to have a full house of traps by the next shoot – Fingers crossed!

On a plus point our Chondel trap performed well on it’s first outing.

We noticed that a few of you are using plastic wad cartridges. Please DON’T !! Our shoot is held on a working farm. Sheep, Cows, Pigs and Horses are regularly rotated over the fields that we shoot over. The big problem with plastic wad is that unlike fibre wads they do not degrade. Cows especially will eat them and the wad will become stuck between their third and fourth stomachs resulting in either a dead animal or a very big veterinary bill !!

On the Pool Shoot only one maximum score was hit today by Darren Cross who scoops up all the prize money. Well done!