You are currently viewing Northchapel – Pool Shoot Results – February 2016

Northchapel – Pool Shoot Results – February 2016

Exploding ClayWell it turned out nice again!

Sunny but nippy for the tight groups of shooters who turned up this Valentine’s Day. A few couples spent their time together with us and we hope getting a bit muddy and shooting some clays has been brought you closer together.

An easier layout than last time round resulted in some good scores but sadly we could not put on the Pool Shoot again. We managed to fix up the couple of traps that have given us ongoing reliability issues for quite some time with a combination of hammering and welding but lost another trap to an electric issue. We’re looking for another one or two more to give us the flexibility we crave.

Onwards and hopefully now that it’s quieter we can tweak things for a more complete shoot.