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Northchapel – Pool Shoot Results – August 2015

Champagne BottleWhat a fab day at the Blackdown Shoot.

July and August are always bogey months for clay shooting and although it looked like we had a reasonable gathering we in fact broke our August record with 110 shooters going through! Some even did the fifty bird shoot twice so the head count was slightly more on this.

We’re delighted as our little tweaks have made a big difference with minimal queuing on our sporting layout despite over 30% of Guns participating in the seventy bird layout.

In the next few weeks we’ll be holding our August ‘Fifth Week’ shoot (30th) and by then, fingers crossed, some new toys will be out for your shooting pleasure. In the meantime thank you for your support, views and encouragement.

The most noticeable change today was the new look Pool Shoot. Finally we’ve added a second trap to spice it up. It will certainly keep you on your toes.

Well done to Poolmaster, Darren Cross, who shot 9xx10 to win the pot.