Northchapel Shoot – Boxing Day 2021
Christmas has arrived and with lots of uncertainty going on at a National level we're delighted to annouce that our Boxing Day shoot will be going ahead!
Christmas has arrived and with lots of uncertainty going on at a National level we're delighted to annouce that our Boxing Day shoot will be going ahead!
My sincere apologies for the lateness of this post but the last two weeks have been manic.
Tommorow morning (14th), as is our tradition of remembering those who gave their lifes for us we will holding a minutes silence at 11am
After a last weekends fireworks this weekend we'll keep the bangs coming with our November shoot this Sunday (14th).
The last days of October are with us and our Fifth Sunday Shoot (31st) is a few days away.
It's October already and it's a double shooting month again!
This Sunday (12th) we're shooting again.
This Sunday (29th) we're shooting again. It's our Fifth Sunday shoot and it falls midway through the Bank Holiday weekend.
Our first of two shoots this August is tomorrow (8th). The second falling on the fifth Sunday (29th)
Sorry it's a late post but it's due to technical difficulties.