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Northchapel Shoot – March 2017 – Summary

Exploding ClayWe just about made it with the weather today.

A dry start and then an early persistent drizzle but not the heavy rain we thought we would encounter. A good show of guns and a few new faces took the plunge.

Some very good feedback and scores for the layout so thumbs up all around.

With effect from our first April shoot we will be increasing entry fees to cope with the rising cost of clay targets and insurance. Effectively our 54 bird shoot will come in at 33 pence per clay but the 72 bird shoot comes in at 32 pence per clay.  A fifty bird shoot with a fifty bird re-entry (108 clays) equates to 30.5 pence per bird. Still great value for money!

Colts will still receive a discount.

We understand every little helps and will still be offering a full range of clay targets. Standards and Mid-size. Also the much more expensive and exotic Minis, Battue and Rabbits where applicable.

The new prices will be changed on our website with immediate effect and we hope these necessary amendments will not deter or detract anyone from your enjoyment of shooting with us.