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Northchapel Shoot – December 2016 – Summary

Christmas Wreath CompressedLovely day for shooting and never a dull one at Northchapel either.

A strange, low, fog cloud moved slowly between the shoot and Blackdown Hill spending most of the morning over Lurgashall. Even lower and passing below tree level, well within shotgun range behind Stands 7 and 8 flew a silver private helicopter. If the pilot and passengers are reading this and you took a photograph, we’d love to see it !

A good turnout enjoyed some sunny shooting with some mainly very simple but to easy to miss targets.

Many thanks to catering for some delicious mulled wine and minced pies to get us in the mood. Even our Christmas illuminations worked a treat.

We’d like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and we shall be ready for you again on Boxing Day, our biggest day of the year.