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Northchapel Shoot – April 2021

Blackdown Shoot LogoIt is with great pleasure that we announce that we will be holding our first shoot of this year.

This Sunday (11th) we will be open and look forward to seeing you all after such a long time.

Whilst many of you will have been vaccinated we still need to be careful about how we run the shoot to keep you all protected.

It is important that you abide by the rules set out.

We are limiting groups of shooters to four BUT only if they are within your ‘support bubble’ / members of a single household. Otherwise you can shoot with one other pal from another household.

Social distancing rules also apply.

Hand santiser is provided at every stand.

Please wear a face mask when collecting your ticket from Jane at the desk.

Kevin will be serving hot snacks from 08:30.
Please wear a mask to order but don’t forget to remove it before eating.

Now that we’re open again let’s hope we can all enjoy what we love doing much more from now on.

Shooting commences at 10:00.