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Northchapel Shoot – April 2017

Blackdown LogoIt’s April and no fooling around as sadly our admission prices have risen.

Due to the rise in the price of clays, insurance cover etc we’ve had to pop some on top of what you were used to paying. For those of you new to clay shooting, admission prices generally remain static for long periods of time then suddenly go up a chunk instead of inching up frequently. Whilst this sounds dramatic our prices are still very good value indeed. For a detailed tariff information please see our website.

Onto happy news we’d like to announce that it will be warm and sunny all day this Sunday (9th) for our first of two scheduled shoots for this month!
Peter has rolled the field and we’ll be dreaming up some exciting targets for you to throw some lead at.

Kevin will have tables and chairs out for us all to have a social along with some hot snacks and drinks.

Hope to see you there…..