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Northchapel Shoot – Fifth Week – October 2016 – Summary

Exploding ClayA morning of fog obscuring the Blackdown Hill throughout saw a bumper turnout for today’s shoot. A crowd were enjoying breakfast and collecting their score cards long before 10am.

We had hoped for fewer guns as our clay stocks were depleted after our earlier monthly shoot and the regular monthly gathering we hold for ‘The Fox Goes Free’. It was looking desperate at the start but fortunately we had enough with some to spare!

Another nice layout with a good variety for the Game Shooter. A few stands offered simple looking targets with a slight twist.

Since we introduced a ninth stand just over a year ago with the option of a fifty or a seventy bird shoot, the seventy bird has gained in popularity with half our customers now choosing this option. Word on the street is of possibly introducing a tenth stand if we feel the necessity and also if we can make the numbers work.

At next month’s shoot we shall be commemorating Armistice Day and observing one minutes silence at 11 o’clock.