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Northchapel – Boxing Day Shoot 2020

Every cloud has a silver lining and we are delighted to let you know after careful consultation that despite now being in Tier 4 we can hold our Boxing Day shoot this coming Saturday (26th).

There are of course strict conditions.

Please familiarise yourselves with Government guidlines.

In the link below:

Under the TRAVEL section > BUSINESSES AND VENUES THAT CAN REMAIN OPEN > archery/driving/shooting ranges (outdoors) states that we can operate.

It is important that you abide by the rules set out.

We are limiting groups of shooters to four BUT only if they are within your ‘support bubble’ / members of a single household. Otherwise you can shoot with one other pal from another household.

Social distancing rules also apply.

Hand santiser is provided at every stand.

Please wear a face mask when collecting your ticket from Jane.

Hot snacks from 08:30 with Kevin on his socially distanced grill.
Please wear a mask to order but don’t forget to remove it before you pour tea onto your face.

If you can’t join us then we wish you all the very best during this challenging festive season and hope the New Year is going to be a better one!

Shooting commences at 10:00.