Northchapel Shoot – April 2017 – Summary
What a stunning day! Always nice to have clear blue skies and the warmth of the sun on our very beautiful shooting ground. Great fun this morning with a vibrant…
What a stunning day! Always nice to have clear blue skies and the warmth of the sun on our very beautiful shooting ground. Great fun this morning with a vibrant…
It's April and no fooling around as sadly our admission prices have risen. Due to the rise in the price of clays, insurance cover etc we've had to pop some…
We just about made it with the weather today. A dry start and then an early persistent drizzle but not the heavy rain we thought we would encounter. A good…
Our shoot for March this Sunday (12th) comes with a mixed weather forecast. Dry and cloudy in the morning but with half of a chance of some rain for a…
A bit nippy this morning so Kevin's hot snacks and drinks were even more welcoming to get the day started! The opening stands were also exposed to the cold air…
Clement weather this Sunday (12th) for our next shoot. All the important stuff is now working and improvements have been made. Come down and have some fun with us!
Phew! That was lucky! We avoided the rain today, At worst just a couple of small spots for the lucky punters and a little light drizzle whilst everything was being…
January has flown by and we hope you've had a great start to 2017. Our fifth Sunday shoot this weekend (29th) will be going ahead. Weatherwise It will be a…
A backdrop of low, misty clouds skipped over Blackdown Hill for all of this morning. It was great to see many new faces and old friends who drifted by to…
A fresh New Year and we're ready to get started again. This Sunday (8th) is the first of our two scheduled shoots for the month with the second on Sunday…